Pauline Easby

Pauline Easby

Saturday 10 March 2012

Before pictures, reflection and confidence

Check me out I said the next area I needed to focus on was getting before and after photos so I could show you and myself how my work developed. These following images were taken from believe it or not, my  reflection book, where I have kept a truthful account of my thoughts and feelings throughout  this project.  I knew where they were:  under my desk at college or thrown into a bag, but as a result of cleaning out  my bay at college, in preparation for photos of our work,  I decided to go through them. I am so glad I did!  it made me realise how much I have developed and grown in confidence. It is so easy to beat ourselves up that we often forget where we came from and how much we have grown. So Today I going to say out loud I am very proud of myself.

This is the original drawwing or mark making. I sketched  a section from a piece of jewellery without looking at the paper I was drawing onto. I have used this approach a number of times and find it works pretty well for converting into embroidery.  I would rather allow my ideas to develop organically with media even a needle, rather than creating  a beautiful drawing and converting it into stitch. Although this has its place at the moment this is where my designs have gone.

This particular sketch was of a corset that I had taken a photo of at Bowes museum. Once agian I sketched the image by looking at the photo rather than the paper. I liked the image first time around but looking at it quite a few months after I like it more. The various thickness of lines is almost a design initself.
Im sure I will come back to this. In fact I have a whole body of work I can use after I leave college. 

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